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Ideas Lab: Smart Makerspace


The growing needs of Design Engineering and benefits of co-location of design and make activities at Imperial College highlight the need for a new hub for digital manufacturing. How can we create a new student-led makerspace in the heart of South Kensington?

Role & Skills Used

  • UX/UI & Space Design
  • IoT & Systems Engineering
  • Agile Product Management
  • Business Development


New digital manufacturing technologies, such as 3D printing, enable rapid-prototyping of physical ideas earlier in the design process. To facilitate peer-to-peer learning and to create a culture of making and entrepreneurship makerspaces are increasingly student led. To manage the volume of production requires significant effort which is a barrier to volunteer led activities. Time and financial savings can be made through the remote monitoring and control of equipment using the internet of things to enable ideas to be made with as little friction as possible.

Charity Donation


Ember Giving Ideation

Discovery & Pitching/Fundraising

Visited Makerspaces to learn best practice. Raised funds internally and from sponsors.

Ember Giving Business Model

Specifications & Process Mapping

Developed high level specifications and processes for the management of the equipment

Ember Giving Visual Identity Development

System Design/Architecture

Defined the core systems architecture and technology stack for IoT management

Ember Giving Innovation Pitch Imperial College

Space Design & Procurement

Procured equipment & services for the space and created specifications/BIM for renovations

Ember Giving Minimum Viable Product Testing

UX/UI Definition & Development

Used Optimal Sort to classify information architecture. Developed high-fidelity prototypes in Adobe XD for handover to developers via Sketch

Ember Giving Business Venture Launch Strategy

Agile Delivery Management

Led a team of full-stack software engineers in a Scrumban delivery process. Implemented the creative and practical aspects of the makerspace


The Ideas Lab is the Design Engineering Society’s student-run makerspace. The lab is a fun, creative and dynamic hub that brings together its diverse community of members from across Imperial to learn, make and share their ideas. Over £250k was raised and invested to realise the space. The facility is operated via a smart IoT Management System which was presented at the 2020 Unimaker Conference in Sheffield.

IoT Makerspace Management System

IoT 3D Printer Selection Mockup

Start 3D Prints

3D Printing Payment

Pay for prints and materials

Smart Makerspace Dashboard Mockup

Manage Makerspace Equipment

Ideas Lab Makerspace User Management Mockup

Manage User Training & Access