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Hi, I’m Michael.

I create change by fusing design thinking, product strategy and technology.


Through my interdisciplinary skills in design thinking,  product strategy, and technology expertise including AI, Immersive Computing and IoT, I have created award winning innovations that deliver meaningful change for people, business and the planet we share.


Augmented Reality Tennis

Opening up tennis with AR & AI

How can we make tennis more engaging and accessible to the next generation using AR & AI?

InsurTech Proptech IoT Hero Images Michael Hofmann

IoT Enabled Home Insurance

How can insurers reinvent their business models through the Internet of Things?

Ideas Lab Smart Makerspace Imperial College London

Ideas Lab: An IoT Makerspace

How can students operate a digital manufacturing hub in the heart of London?

Ember Charity Giving Hero Web

Ember: Reimagining Giving

How can charitable donations be modernised to become meaningful and effortless?

Sustainable Mascara is Squeezable

How does mascara packaging become more sustainable and dry out less?

Hop Autonomous Vehicle Suburbia Hero

Hop: Inclusive Suburban Transit

How is the first and last mile problem for disadvantaged users in suburbia overcome?

Future of Teen Healthcare

How could adolescents have greater ownership of their healthcare in 2040?

About Me

I am a Product Manager & Creative Technologist based at Deloitte Digital in London.  I combine my interdisciplinary skills in Design Thinking, Product Strategy and Technology to create meaningful change for people, business and the planet we share. 

Originally from Germany, I studied on the Design Engineering MEng at Imperial College London’s Dyson School of Design Engineering. This gave me a broad foundation of skills ranging from user-centred design to sustainability to physical-computing. In 2018 I was selected for the national Engineering Leaders Scholarship by the Royal Academy of Engineering. In my downtime I enjoy a good walk and am a lover of food (sometimes cooking) and coffee.

Headshot of Michael Hofmann Creative Technologist

Say Hello

Michael Hofmann

Product Manager & Creative Technologist